Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Random thoughts

I'm just pasting the following 3 paragraphs that I jotted down over last weekend. Sorry for the delay in the action! I'll get more regular soon when we get a new computer.

So, here we are…Monday morning. We’ve had Luke home since Thursday night. Erin feeds him round the clock, every 2 hours. We’re both super tired, but we’re managing. I can thank of no words to express my/our gratitude to all our family & friends for their help, love and support. Sure it’s dicey when you’re changing a stinky load at 3:00 am—and your baby manages to pee up into his own face while you’re reaching for a wipe—but we get through each day just fine. For all the meals you’ve cooked, chores you’ve done and all-around comfort you’ve given us, we say Thank You!

I checked out some awesome CDs from our local library—the VIPs include “Suites for Cello” (unaccompanied) by a pimp named J.S. Bach, “Piano Quintet in F Minor” by a player by the name of Johannes Brahms, and “Complete Violin Sonatas” by the effervescent Ludwig Von Beethoven. My lil’ duder loves the strings—just like his mommy and daddy! I’ve always loved strings and sworn to their holistic benefits, but listening to classical every day has re-kindled my love for it. (also, it’s so refreshing to have a bit of a music fest in the house.) Thanks to my mom for the boom box and Topher for the ipod dock.

I have to go back to work tomorrow, and I’m having mixed feelings on the matter. I’m loving all this time to relax with Erin and Luke, just hanging out together…but on the other hand, it’ll be good to get out of the house. All kidding aside—it’s SO GREAT to get out of the house! It seems like the world outside has a whole new luster about it. The greens are so much greener, the sun a bit brighter; I’m seeing with new eyes or something. I just tend towards a happier perspective, I think, because I’m so stoked with life right now. My healthy, gorgeous baby and my baby momma…they inspire me. (and so do our families—it’s no secret how much they love us, that’s for sure!)

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