Monday, February 8, 2010


I'm Josh Jenkins of Gainesville, FL--maybe you've heard of me?

Just kidding. But seriously, folks, here it is: I'm 33 years of age, and I'm about to cross the precipice into fatherhood. I never thought I'd see the day, but lo--it is nigh upon me.

My wife & I married in May of '98, after earning our A.A.s. at Indian River State College. (it was actually a community college then, btw) We then moved to Gainesville and worked on our Bachelor degrees for a few more years. Then we worked until we could buy a house. Then we were out of prudent excuses as to why we weren't ready to have children. We both always wanted kids, we just wanted to wait until the right time. Many people have told me that "if you wait until you can afford kids, you'll never have them." I can see the truth in this--as many of my friends (and myself of course) were born to young, broke twenty-somethings in the mid 70s--these young parents-to-be weren't homeowners--they were not college graduates--but they did raise beautiful families. They raised us--and we are awesome, my generation.

All of this gave me hope. BUT...I was still a bit too pragmatic in my approach to daddyhood to go that route. So I/we waited. No big deal, really. In a way, I kind of feel like it's the old 6 one way/half a dozen the other. We're in a nicer house & 'hood and all to start with, but WITH the added debt of student loans/mortgage that our parents lacked--so are we really in any better of a position than they were to raise us a youngin'? That is one of many soul-searing questions that I will examine in this blog--hopefully I will find out some truths about myself along the way.

I do know this: I am super-duper stoked about meeting my son, Luke.* I'm going to teach him SO many awesome things. My gorgeous wife, Erin, is due to deliver him on March 8 (2010)--mere weeks away. I will keep you posted of all the gooey drama leading up to/throughout/after the delivery. (because, guys, no matter HOW much you'd rather just sit this kind of thing out--you just gotta be there.) Please stay tuned...Double J out.

*unless Erin changes her mind ;)

1 comment:

  1. I love this blog!!!! You totally rocked it Joshie and I cannot wait to read what you have to share. You have such a gift and I'm so happy that you decided to write your experiences and share them with all of us!!! We love you!!! Kisses to Erin!!
