Monday, February 22, 2010


So, it's been a while--but no big news yet--just checking in.

My Mom was in town over the weekend--she was just tickled pink to accompany Erin to her final ultrasound last Friday. The images were amazing, to say the least. We haven't seen this kind of definition before...I'm talking head full of hair, wafting around in the amniotic matrix that is his world...whoah. The seams in his skull punctuate the contrasting whites/blacks of tissue/'s getting psychedelic in there.

It's getting crazy out here too. Erin is exhibiting CLASSIC nesting behaviors that our birthing class instructor mentioned. The nursery has come a long way (pics to follow) and is really beautiful. Thanks to our Moms, et al, for all the help! I get a kick out of watching Erin scuttle to and fro, lining drawers, organizing toys/books/onesies by age-range, etc... Oh, and I'm such a grown man--I installed (all by myself!) our Chicco car seat/travel system in Erin's car yesterday. Our suitcase is packed, and at this point, we're just waiting for the bell to ring--I mean for the water to break.

Wish us luck!

(again, I must thank ALL our friends & family for all the support--I see now why they say "It takes a village.")


  1. NOICE! can't wait to meet this little darling.

    <3 you and erin!

  2. So I set Christian up with a nice snack and some Elmo so I can get a little school work done. Also, he is naked from the waist down b/c we are potty training and that's the only way he'll go. I sit down at the computer and i see him outside. Half naked. In my rush to get him I spill my coffee and it crashes to the floor, shattering to pieces. I bring him back in, and while I'm cleaning my coffee mess, he drops a duece on the floor. I then go to clean the poop and while doing so, our new puppy gets a hold of the paper towels and shreds them to pieces. Also, at the same time, Christian takes advantage of my preoccupation and starts to pick the keys off of my laptop.
    True story from this morning. I figure I can tell you these kind of things since there's no turning back for you now.
    Welcome to parenthood beeeatch! I wouldn't trade it for the world!
